Tampico Mexico Mission

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 19th, 2015 - Second Hand Lions

Hey family and everyone!!
It was a great week here in Victoria!! It was a super-fast week!! It seems like the weeks are going by so fast now, and I still can’t learn Spanish!! ha I love it though and I’m learning lots!! We had a meeting with President this week to start off the New Year!! It was a super good meeting!! This might sound bad, but the mission is kinda like a business!! ha and President is our CEO! With our Heavenly Father as the Owner!!!:) That sounds weird!! ha it was good to have the meeting though! He expects a ton out of us! It’s a super good thing because it makes us be better every day! 
We had a fast week but a super good weekend! We found a lot of new investigators this week which was a blessing because some of our old ones aren’t progressing!! One family is though!! I would like to tell you about them!! Their name is Familia Perez Sabala!! Super good family!! They have two old grandpas that live there!! Second Hand lions!! I know how much you love that movie dad!!! They remind me of that movie so much!! It’s so funny!! Just without all the money!! So we were teaching them this week and the kids also!! Family of 7!! So we were teaching and they just told us their desires to be baptized and how the gospel changed their lives!! It was so amazing!! They are great!! They went to church and are progressing super well!! I love them!!! While we were in church, in the class, Ephrain told the class, how the gospel has changed his life and how the missionaries are the best thing ever!! It was so amazing!! I hope that I don’t change after this change because they will probably get baptized!! I will probably change because I have three here!! Not for a couple more weeks though!! It will be good to get them prepared to be baptized though!! 
We found a couple great new investigators this week!! One that looks like a future bishop! It’s kind of funny! My comp thought the same thing also!! We taught him only once, and he was like, I need to read Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and all the stuff!! It was funny!! He wants to go to church also!! So we hope that he will go next week!! Out of our investigators he has a lot of money!! It’s weird because usually the ones with money... or a little bit of money don’t want to hear us!! Ha he does!! His name is Marco and his wife is Midea!! They are good!
I leave to Tampico today!! Hopefully my signing of the Visa goes through so I’m not illegal! :) Ha I love you guys tons!! Have an amazing next week! You are in my prayers and thoughts!

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