Tampico Mexico Mission

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16th, 2015 - Good Week in Tampico

Sounds like you had a good week back in the good ol IF!! It was a good week herein Tampico!! The weeks are going by so fast! The time goes by so fast when you aren’t thinking about it and just serving the Lord with all you have!! That’s crazy about Lindsey coming home this change and about Jake and her being in the same district!!! They are lucky!! Ha we have sisters in our zone..... It’s different!! Ha it’s good though!! Some are so dramatic!! I’m coming up on 6 months and this week also my comp hits the year mark!! We will probably burn a shirt or something fun for it!!
We had a good week here!! The area is hard but we are improving it slowly! We have a ton of less actives and a lot of members that don’t feel the need to work in the Lord’s vineyard!! We are slowly starting to work with all of them!! We had a meeting with all of the leaders of each ward and the missionaries were invited! The stake president here gave the meeting!! It was super good and he basically told all of the ward how terrible of a job they were doing!! It was good because they had an activity and all of the members felt the need to have a better meeting on the Sundays together!! I’m not sure what it called in English!! This week my Spanish has been getting better! It’s just hard when you can’t speak Spanish or English!! I know what Braxton went through when he came home!! I can’t say a prayer in English!! Ha it’s sad but I think that’s a good thing for right now!!
We are slowly gaining some new investigators! There aren’t many here that think they need to learn about dios more in their lives because this area has a little bit of money, but when they do, they turn into some good investigators!!! We had a lesson this week that was pretty great!! We went a house of a less active and were talking with them and he served a mission and the whole 9 yards, but his wife isn’t a member or are the kids!! We started to teach them and we really didn’t know where to start!! After a little hesitation we got into the lesson and it was super good!! The spirit was super strong and we brought back some of the feelings for the husband (who was the missionary) and he started to teach his kids and his wife!! It was for them to feel of the Holy Ghost and to have in their lives the gospel! We finished the lesson and we didn’t even have to ask when we should return!! They asked us if we could come back this Thursday!! The Holy Ghost is something that can’t be mimicked!! He really comes from our Heavenly Father!!
My comp is doing good!! He still wants to be dude in the street, but we are trying to change that for him!! It’s hard because he is the district leader, he has to change his way of behavior to be an example!! ah vamos ah vamos!!
I’m doing great!!! I love the happiness that the gospel brings me!! I love you guys and am so grateful for the example you all are in my life!!! Have a great next week!
Love, Ky
PS I guess we have divisions this week and I might stay in my area!! We will see how it goes!!
Love this little line... Decisions determine destiny!!
General conference is in like a month or so right?? Have a good week!!!
Love you tons

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Banannas in Mexico
This is in Padilla!! It's the most dangerous part of this mission!!! Yes i lived!!

Elder Cammack - Victoria - New apartment for a week!
First Time Cutting Hair - Elder Cruz

February 9th, 2015 - New Area

It was a good week here in Modelo! The area is super different, but it’s fun and good to learn a new area! In our area we have a ton of members, but everyone is less active!! We are working hard, trying to reactivate them but in the mean time trying to find investigators!! We have a couple that are progressing so far, but the area is a little bit dead!
The members in the area are a little bit slow to help us out, but with our help they will start and eventually being doing it on their own!! Yah, I grew another heart and put in to action with a lot of the members that we have met!! It’s crazy how fast you can love the people in your area! We have a family and they are made up of less actives and recent converts! They are great!! For the first time in a long time they came to church together this week!! It was great to see them there!! They like to go with us to the investigators so it’s been fast and good to meet them!! I love them!!
My comp is great!! He was starting to get a little bit lazy, but I whipped him into shape and we are now together trying to be perfectly obedient!! Really we have a super good relationship!! We just talked about things and how we could be better, and we are now being really obedient and teaching together!! I’m not sure if the pictures are going to work this week!! If not I’m gonna be a little upset!! I took a lot this week!! ha so I bought a little set of a hair cutting clippers!! ha yes today I cut his hair!! Mackenzie I’m basically pro!! ha no I messed up a couple times on one of his ears but it’s funny!! The other ear looks perfect!!:) He wants to cut mine, but mine isn’t long right now!! It’s super short, so in a couple weeks he will cut my hair!
It was good week for me!! I’m doing great!! ha so the investigators are slim here but we are finding some new families to teach! We had a cool little experience this week!!! We were teaching this family this week and in the middle of the lesson she said.. I was baptized!! It was great!! After that she just told us everything!! The father hasn’t been baptized or the daughter! At the end of the lesson she asked for a blessing! We explained the blessing to the others and gave the blessing! The spirit was strong! They are excited for us to come back and learn more about the gospel!! They want to know if the church is true for themselves which is great so they don’t just believe in the people/ elders!
I love you guys a lot!! Sounds like you had a great week!! I’m going to try go to a different place to send pics!! Have a good Valentines!! Think about me with all the chocolate that you eat!! Happy bday Brax!! All the people that read this wish him a happy bday!! He deserves it!!!
Love all!!!
Love Ky!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 2nd, 2015 - First Transfer


We had the changes and it was kind of a little different one! First off with me!! I got changed to Tampico! I’m in a part called Modelo! Once I know my address mom I will send you so you can look at our house!! It’s a little different! Super small but it will be good!! My new comp is Elder Cruz! He is from Mexico and had a year in the mission!! He is good and knows no English!! I’m happy for that because it will force me to learn Spanish!! I will basically be Mexican when we finish!! The new area is good from what I know!! The store where we buy our food is super small but that’s ok!! We will have everything that we need!! I will tell you more about the area next week! I don’t know too much and feel a little lost! Elder Cammack also got changed out of the area!! I can’t remember where he is going but that means there will be two new missionaries in our area!! I’m not sure why they took him out also!! His is the new secretary to Sister Jordan!! It made sense thought because he called her almost every day with something that he had problems with!!

I was sad to leave my first area and all of the people that I had to say good bye to!! The people were so great!! Some of the best members I’ve ever met!! They were recent converts to!! They will all be trying to add me on Facebook, so mom be ready for that! :) What was super sad was that on the 14th we were going to have a baptism!! He was ready and will be baptized then, so we left the other elders a little present! He was great! His name is Martin! He wants to be baptized so badly!! Ha I think he might need a little more help or one or two more weeks, but we will see if he passes his interview!! The family is family Perez Sabala!! They are on their way also and close to baptism so am super excited for them!! When you say good bye to them, it feels like you have to grow a new heart for the new people in your new area!! I feel like it happened to me!"!!

It was a good last week in Victoria! We found a ton of new investigators, but it’s so hard to help them progress! With Mexico they say they want it, but don’t apply it in their lives!! In the states they are just honest!! But kind of rude about it!! Ha if they don’t want it they will just tell you how it is!! It’s so true here in the mission!! We get rejected so often, but the small victories are so much greater!!

When we were saying good bye to some of our investigators they told us and promised us that they will be baptized!!! Whoa!! The exciting thing about them is they are a family!! How ¨bonita¨ it is to see a family get baptized!!! I love the mission and excited to learn this new area and work with my comp!! He is great!!

Mom!!! I love you tons!! I hope you have a great bday on the 5th!! I will surely be thinking about you and eating an extra candy for you!:) ha I love you and hope you have the best bday ever!! Boys give her a huge hug for me!!!

Grandma Brown!! Happy bday today!! You’re the best!! It was such a blessing to live by you for a year before my mission!!! Our relationship grew greatly and I love you so much!! You’re in my prayers!!

I love you all so much and sounds like you had a good week with all the sports activities and such!! I hate the Patriots!! I didn’t want them to win!! Ha all we do is see it in the newspapers and what not!! Have a good next week and tell my Mom and Grandma happy birthday!!! I love you guys!!!

Love Ky
Elder Facer