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Elder Cammack and the old house! |
Tampico Mexico Mission
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
January 26th, 2015 - New House
Hey everyone!!
It was a good week here in Libertad 2! We are working hard and had some pretty great lessons this week!! It sounds like all was well back at home!! Love hearing that!! The mission is hard when you have a good week, but none of the investigators can go to church!! Because that’s the part that’s most important if they want to get baptized! ALL of our investigators except one had to work! It’s not a lie either!! Ha it’s ok though!! In the next couple weeks here, he will be able to be baptized!!
We found some investigators that were great!! We have been teaching one that is named Marco!! He is great! He said that he said a prayer and his answer was that he needed to read the Book of Mormon!! He asked for 3 days!! hahah it was funny!! We were like... yah you can have three days... but nothing more! ;) They are a great family and improving quickly! This is the last week of the transfer so we will see if I stay!! Next week I will probably write on the Tuesday!! So don’t worry if I write on the Tuesday!!
The trip to Tampico was great! We went on Monday and got back Tuesday! It was a great trip! Monday night we had pizza and Tuesday we had Burger King! It was fun! It was only this other elder that’s in my generation Elder Pastrana that went! It was good to spend time with him! He’s a great elder! I really like Tampico and am not sure why! I think it would be cool to serve there! We got back on Tuesday and went to Elder Pastrana’s area! He has a good area! He right now is comps with Elder Amador! Funny how that all worked out! We spent almost three days together and get along super well! It would be great to be his companion! I got back in my area and we worked hard! I love the members in my area! We put into practice this contacting thing, where they can share the gospel with one person a day! So we were putting it into practice and talking to one of the neighbors of one of the members and teaching her... in the middle of the lessons she said that she was a member and everything! It was funny to see the reaction of the members! I guess it’s what happens when you start talking to people about the gospel!!
We are changing houses right now because our old house is terrible! The new house is great!! I will send pics of the new house next week! It’s super nice, but I probably won’t have much time in it!! This might be the last week of the transfer, but am going to work just has hard and finish it out! If I don’t leave... it will be ok, because I love this area! It’s a great area! I hope you have a great week!! May the Lord protect you in all you do!! I love you guys!! I feel like am forgetting to tell you something random, but if I remember it I will tell you next week!!! Love your guys tons!
Love Ky
Haapppyyyyy BBbbbbbiiiirrrrtttthhhhddaaayyyy MACKENZIE!!
All that receive this wish her a Happy Birthday!!!! Love you tons!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
January 19th, 2015 - Second Hand Lions
Hey family and everyone!!
It was a great week here in Victoria!! It was a super-fast week!! It seems like the weeks are going by so fast now, and I still can’t learn Spanish!! ha I love it though and I’m learning lots!! We had a meeting with President this week to start off the New Year!! It was a super good meeting!! This might sound bad, but the mission is kinda like a business!! ha and President is our CEO! With our Heavenly Father as the Owner!!!:) That sounds weird!! ha it was good to have the meeting though! He expects a ton out of us! It’s a super good thing because it makes us be better every day!
We had a fast week but a super good weekend! We found a lot of new investigators this week which was a blessing because some of our old ones aren’t progressing!! One family is though!! I would like to tell you about them!! Their name is Familia Perez Sabala!! Super good family!! They have two old grandpas that live there!! Second Hand lions!! I know how much you love that movie dad!!! They remind me of that movie so much!! It’s so funny!! Just without all the money!! So we were teaching them this week and the kids also!! Family of 7!! So we were teaching and they just told us their desires to be baptized and how the gospel changed their lives!! It was so amazing!! They are great!! They went to church and are progressing super well!! I love them!!! While we were in church, in the class, Ephrain told the class, how the gospel has changed his life and how the missionaries are the best thing ever!! It was so amazing!! I hope that I don’t change after this change because they will probably get baptized!! I will probably change because I have three here!! Not for a couple more weeks though!! It will be good to get them prepared to be baptized though!!
We found a couple great new investigators this week!! One that looks like a future bishop! It’s kind of funny! My comp thought the same thing also!! We taught him only once, and he was like, I need to read Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and all the stuff!! It was funny!! He wants to go to church also!! So we hope that he will go next week!! Out of our investigators he has a lot of money!! It’s weird because usually the ones with money... or a little bit of money don’t want to hear us!! Ha he does!! His name is Marco and his wife is Midea!! They are good!
I leave to Tampico today!! Hopefully my signing of the Visa goes through so I’m not illegal! :) Ha I love you guys tons!! Have an amazing next week! You are in my prayers and thoughts!
January 12th, 2015 - Super Cold!!
HeyIt was a good week here in Victoria! Super cold but it was good! The house is super cold when it’s cold, and when it’s hot, it’s super-hot! It’s because of the cement!! Oh how I love the wood houses that we have in the states! It was a good week here! We are working super well with the members! They are super excited to do missionary work! I hear they are some of the best members in the mission! That makes me nervous for the rest of the mission!
I’m getting a little chubby! Here I come Houst! ;) I just need to go running!! Ha I just don’t want to because it’s freezing in the morning!! Ha not lying! When I wake up in the morning, there is water on my blankets because of the cold! Don’t worry I get bundled up!
My comp is doing great! We talk a lot of Spanglish! We are doing well! He loves to do things his way, but that’s ok... I will just work on my patience! He is good though!! We had this meeting with all of the members of our side, and it was super good! They are going to help us a ton this next week! We had a couple lessons in the night with then after church and they were super powerful!The problem with the Mexican people! They say a lot of things they want to do, but they just never do it! It’s because of the catholic religion! Everyone says they are going to go to church, but they never do! So we are trying to change the culture and make them actually do what they say! We have some investigators that are pretty great!! They don’t go to church every week, so we are trying hard to change that so they can get baptized! They area is starting to grow pretty well! It was a good week here! Not much to go off on! We had a hard working week with missionary work!! It’s what missionary work is!! I do love growing/ deepening my conversion every day!! It’s truly a blessing!!I love you guys ton!! Hope you have a good week!! I’m praying for you every day and hope you recognize the Lord’s hand in your lives every day!!Love KyPS! Next week I might write Tuesday because we are going to Tampico Monday for a visa thing!! All Americans have to!!!Love ya
Monday, January 5, 2015
Gotta Love Pictures
January 5th, 2015 - New Year
It was a super good week here in Victoria!! It’s getting colder and colder, so that’s why I took out a little bit more money this week!! I bought 2 more blankets!! Ha now I will sleep super well!! The weeks go by so fast in the mission! Not sure if that’s a good thing or a real bad thing! I think a little bit of both! My comp is great! We are different but we are working out our differences and making this area really pop!! The last of this week things really started to pick up!! Everyone is on vacations! So they are returning and starting to be in there houses a little bit more!! They have vacations for like 2 months! How lame is that! Makes missionary work hard!
For New Year’s here they have really loud fireworks and gun shots at midnight! That and huge parties!! At midnight it was so loud!! It sounded way cool!! Ha I wish I could have been outside to really listen to it all! Ha but not smart!! It was good though!! I didn’t feel all too well on New Year’s, so I went to bed and woke up at midnight! We were on divisions that day and my comp didn’t wake up! His name is Elder Lopez! If you get the pics from the member, he is the other missionary! His great! From Mexico City! So we had a good new year’s! They keep the parties going on New Year’s Day also!! Let’s just say there are a ton of drunks... well more than usual on those two days!! The holidays here are interesting. It would be different to attend a party!! We are really in our shell in the United States. Well in Idaho and Utah!! It was good though!
We had a good week with finding some new investigators!! We had a new one that’s super great!! We were contacting her daughter and she was sleeping so we talked to her... put a date for baptism and everything! The spirit was super strong!! We then had another lesson with her! It was about 10 minutes because we were late... her name is Lorena! We invited her to church and we left!! At church the next day... she was waiting for us in the chapel!! How awesome is that!! I loved it!! She felt the spirit super strong and even shed a couple tears! :) Ha I think she’s on her way!! I love the gospel with everything that I have!! It changes people and makes them become who they want to become! If they just let it!! Normally they fight the change and reject us, but I know eventually they will come to and let it happen!! Great week here!
Love you tons! You are always in my prayers!
Love, Ky
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